Cowgirl Erotica Collection Page 2
"Discipline is important, and its best if we start early. Early bird gets the worm, you know" he said.
He smacked her ass with the front of his hand, leaving barely a mark to show for it. Jett exhaled and wondered how she could possibly be enjoying this, but she was. She thought back to the first time she had tasted merlot. She was repulsed by the tingly current that swished from one side of her mouth to the other. In time however she had come to savor it. She thought to herself, "Is that what was happening now? Savoring discipline?"
Jake smacked the other side of her ass twice as hard. Her hair bounced in ecstatic response. He smacked her again. This time an audible "oomph" could be heard. Jett put all her strength into resisting the urge to reach around and protect her tingling ass cheek.
"Bend over and touch your toes" he commanded.
She bent over with the ease of a rag doll. She grabbed the tips of her toes as her brilliantly white ass pointed at Jake's face. He extended his middle finger flat against the top of her ass made snake shapes as he inched it downward ever so slowly, then picking up again for a second, and stopped as his finger touched the entrance to her ass. Her asshole was warm and spectacularly clean for a barmaid, he thought. He gently nudged the tip of his finger into her ass, wiggling as he went.
"Wait..." she said.
"No waiting." he replied as he whipped her ass again. "And no talking." he stated.
He dipped the tip of his index finger into her asshole again, pulling the flesh down and then gliding it back up to the top. He smacked her cheek again. By now both her cheeks looked like blooming roses. A drop of her juice oozed out from beneath her flowery lips and dropped to the floor.
"You'll have to be punished for that" he said.
"For my dripping...?" she said.
"For speaking out of turn" he said.
She looked down at the floor and saw the stain of her desire. She felt slightly embarrassed.
He got up from his seat and walked over to the locker where the outfits were hung. He pulled out from a drawer a wooden paddle and walked over to her. She gasped and stopped herself from audibly protesting, remembering his warning about getting permission to speak first.
He rubbed his hand around her ass in fast circles, warming up the skin.
Her hair once again flailed in all directions.
Another whack...
Her pussy let fly a sprinkle of her juice onto the floor.
"Wiggle your ass" he commanded.
She bit her lip from the intense sting, wondering whether she even had the strength to do as commanded. She shook her ass side to side.
"No, like this." he said, grabbing both sides of her ass and furiously shifting them from side to side.
"Now try again." he said.
She wiggled and wiggled her pearly butt as she stood hunched over grabbing her toes.
The paddle made a much louder smacking sound than his hand had previously made.
"Wink it" he muttered.
"Wink it? Wink what? How do I wink my ass?" she wondered to herself.
"Wink your asshole" he said, grinning down on her as he folded his arms.
She sucked in her asshole as tight as she could then let it pop out repeatedly.
"Not good enough. Wink it and don't stop" he said.
She bit her lip and furiously winked again and again, sucking in and pushing her anus outward. Her pussy pulsated with mounting pleasure at this as he fingered her ass again. She bolted her ass back and forth as he rubbed the lips of her cunny. She finally sprinkled droplets of cum onto the floor as her asshole continued winking against his fingers.
He pulled her panties up and smacked her one more time.
"You'll learn. Eventually. They always do" he said as she stood silent.
In the next breath, she heard an audible gasp...barely... and turned around to see the other barmaid's feet, tip-toeing back up the stairs. For a brief moment, she wondered if anything romantic was going on between her boss Jake, and the barmaid who just took flight from a potentially embarrassing situation.
Chapter 3: Mud Wrestlers
Jett stood over the countertop of the bar not knowing what to think of the deplorable situation she was in. Half of her was infatuated, even attracted, to the thought of getting a spanking session again as long as it was with her devilishly handsome and leather-smelling boss and not some slimy bandit from Mexico. Her ass was still seething with occasional jolts of pain on both sides, yet her pussy seemed to relish the entire ordeal. She knew that any other woman without the flexibility she had would have been dead meat to him when he asked them to bend over. Probably immediately "let go". Lucky for her, it wasn't the first time she had played acrobat. She had performed all manner of odd angled performances growing up in the circus, doing handstands on Shetland ponies and elephants in front of roaring crowds and lions. She thought back to the ringmaster of the circus who at one point got a little careless with the whip and snapped one in the eye of one gargantuan lioness, who quickly turned his overconfidence into mincemeat. She wondered how far she would let Jake get before she was tempted to do the same. Was she even capable of hurting someone like that? She tried to calculate how far she wanted to play this titillating game of lioness vs. lion tamer. She just wasn't sure of anything at this point, as her mind seemed to dart in circular directions as if she spun in place on a carousel. Perhaps she needed a couple more shows to really gauge how far she wanted to go.
She continued to serve flat beer to the grizzled miners who aligned themselves at the bar, working alongside the bartender at feverish pace. From the corner of her eye, she caught a look of contempt from the other barmaid. In that moment, she knew why. There was that green-eyed monster named jealousy, lurking just under the barmaid's lushful green eyes.
In the next breath, Jake peeked out from his lair of stacked silver dollars and circus outfits and called her name.
"Cynthia, I need you to go and get some more supplies from the usual spot. Take Jett with so she knows where to go next time I need it" he barked.
An obvious scowl creeped over Cynthia's face at the mere suggestion that she take Jett along. She walked over to Jett and set down her tray of shot glasses a bit too hard, sending them bouncing up and spilling rum over the countertop.
"Come with me. I'll show you where to get it in case his highnessness wants to bark orders to you next time instead of me." she said as she walked towards the exit. Jett set her cleaning cloth down and followed her, not knowing what to expect.
As they stepped out into the light, the glare was blindingly bright. Cynthia looked over at her with a condescending look and said, "Get on the brown one. No one rides Nightmare except me".
Jett mounted the brown mare and rode ten feet behind her towards the mountain range. She wondered why the well was so far out in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps Jake didn't want anyone else to know about its location. Jett trailed behind Cynthia as they galloped past rocks and scurrying gila monsters. Cynthia's blond hair bounced around her shoulders like stringy daggers, with her tits bouncing more fluidly than Jetts. Jett thought she was all feminine, not a trace of tom boyishness or any sign of muscular strength that was so common with rancher's daughters in the plains. Perhaps it was hidden beneath her shirt in a fit of modesty. Nevertheless, Jett loved the checkered blue shirt and blond hair combo that twirled in the air with each gallop her horse made. She thought she would make someone a great lover someday.
They stopped at what looked like the shittiest well in the entire western side of Texas. Jett couldn't imagine how a well that looked like this, surrounded by layers of slushy mud, could possibly be safe to bathe in, let alone drink. Cynthia pulled back her reigns and slowed the horse to a full stop. She dismounted and walked towards the well, ordering Jett to do the same. Mud caked around her beige boots.
"We need to get water from here, then bring it back to the saloon" she stated emphatically.
"Help me with the first
bucket" she said as she strained to pull up a bucket of water. When the bucket arrived, Jett looked in amazement at how sparkling clean the water appeared to be, despite the mud-soaked surroundings.
Jett lifted her arm towards the bucket to unlatch it, when Cynthia snapped a pair of cuffs onto her wrist and then to the iron bar above the bucket of water.
"What the hell is that for??" Jett demanded.
Cynthia scowled at her and said, "That is for muscling in on my territory and thinking you're just gonna waltz out of here with the gold. Well it ain't happening sweet cheeks. And now I'm gonna make certain of it!" She pulled out a folded leather whip from her boot and unfolded it.
"Gold? What the fuck are you talking about?" she asked with surprised eyes.
She took a few steps back and looked Jett square in the eye.
"Are you gonna leave town or do I have to get tough?" she said, snapped the whip in mid-air.
Jett smirked and said, "By all means, get tough!"
"Fine have it your way" Cynthia said as she hoisted the whip back over head and let it fly towards Jett's ass.
Jett reached out with her free hand as the whip flew and caught the end of it which spiraled around her arm like a snake. With all her might she yanked it towards her. Cynthia came tripping into the mud at Jett's feet. Jett quickly pulled out the six shooter from Cynthia's holster and pointed it straight at her cuffs: BANG. The cuffs fell to the ground with a plop, splashing mud onto Cynthia's face. She looked in the chamber and saw it was empty.
"Damn!" Jett swore under her breath.
Jett wrapped her arms around Cynthia's neck in a headlock and dragged her into the puddle of mud a foot away from them as Cynthia gritted her teeth and cursed between her flailing arms.
"Ain't gonna be that easy to best me!" Cynthia cried out as she flipped Jett over her shoulder. Jett's shirt stripped off as she did this, and she flung her shirt over her shoulder and lunged at Cynthia, tackling her to the ground. She pounded her muddy fists into Cynthia's tight gut and in retribution, pulled her shirt over the top of her head and threw it down the well.
"Now let's see you ride into town with you tits flailing around!" Jett yelled.
Cynthia growled in between the specks of mud on her lips and screamed, "Well if I am going topless, you're going bottomless!" She tackled her once more to the ground and popped the buttons on her jeans then yanked them off. Jett pulled them back up in furious haste. Cynthia yelled back at her, "Oh no you don't!" as she pulled them off once again and threw them over the top of the well. Jett grabbed the whip lying in the mud and hoisted it back, letting it fly onto Cynthia's ass, sending globs of mud flying in all directions. Cynthia yelled out in agony.
Jett then grabbed the top of Cynthia's pants and stripped them down to her ankles, pulling them even past her boots, and threw them over her head. Again she hoisted the whip high and it flew in an arc down to Cynthia's ass like a bolt of lightning. Even Jett felt the pain.
"Argh you snarky little bitch!" Cynthia exclaimed as she pulled two handfuls of Jett's hair and thrust her bare pussy into Jett's face.
"I'm gonna make you eat it! Go on, you know you want to!" Cynthia screamed as she grinded her bushy pussy into Jett's muddy face.
Jett felt suffocated as Cynthia mashed her hips up against her muddy pussy lips and resisted with all her strength yet couldn't overcome the lock that Cynthia's meaty arms seem to exert on the back of her head.
"I said eat it!" Cynthia ordered.
Jett then grabbed Cynthia's ankles and pulled forward as hard as she could, sending both of them tumbling at odd ends of each other. While both lay squirming on the ground, Cynthia once again grabbed the back of Jett's head and thrust her pink pussy against her face. Ironically enough, Jett's dirty pussy was within mouth reach of Cynthia. Jett pulled her hands back and thrust her cunny onto Cynthia's mouth. The sixty-nine angle they were both in sent a charge of electrifying sensuality through them both. Cynthia voluntarily pressed her lips and tongue against Jett's soft, pink folds and ran her tongue across her aching clit. Jett did the same, thrashing her tongue around Cynthia's mound, trying to avoid the occasional spot of mud and dirt.
Jett thought to herself, "I can't believe I am doing this...sucking this chick's pussy after what she tried to do". She ignored the voice that told her to stop what she was doing. It was devastatingly pleasurable to eat any thing off of this blonde's spectacularly body.
Their breathing slowed to a crawl as they both lay there sucking on each other's erect clits in the open sunshine, grinding their pussies up and down each other's faces in perfect sync. The wrestling and roughhousing had gotten Cynthia's juices flowing, whether she wanted them to or not, and the same with Jett's. Cynthia reached her hand back and stuck her finger just inside Jett's ass as she sucked her creamy clit. Jett reached her hand back and placed it on Cynthia's and shoved Cynthia's finger deeper into her ass.
"You can do it harder than that" she said as she slurped up more of Cynthia's womanhood.
Cynthia started thrusting her fingers harder and deeper into Jett's beautiful ass while Jett tongue-teased her clit with her tongue.
"Put more in!" Jett yelled.
Cynthia rammed three fingers into Jett's asshole and sucked her clit even harder, running her tongue up and down the folds of her pussy.
"Put another one in!" Jett once again yelled, becoming impatient.
"Cynthia rammed four fingers into her ass and fucked her ass with every ounce of strength she had. She pounded her fingers inside as Jett banged her hips against Cynthia's fist.
"Shit that feels fucking great!" Jett said with eyes closed as orgasm mounted from her ass to her clit. She frantically thrashed her tongue around Cynthia's pussy and felt a gallon of Cynthia's cum wash over her entire tongue from back to front, even hitting the back of her tonsils. Jett then squirted her cum all over Cynthia's face as she lapped it up in the soft, squishy mud.
Jett then stood up wobbly-kneed, staggered over a pair of jeans in the mud and pulled them up to her waist. She grabbed her shirt from the bucket on top of the well which miraculously had not fallen too far down. With Cynthia still lying down in the mud exhausted, she mounted her horse and rode off. Ten minutes later, Jett looked down at her muddy clothes.
"Wait, this is her jeans, not mine. Shit!" she said aloud. She dismounted to straighten them out a bit and a piece of muddy paper fell to the ground. The first thing that came to mind was that it was possibly a love note from Jake to Cynthia. She picked it up and unfolded it. It revealed a crude map hastily drawn in someone's exceedingly shaky handwriting. The level of detail was impressive, all muddy things considered, she thought. She mounted the horse with map in hand, trying to make sense of the directions toward the giant "X" away from the muddy well.
Chapter 4: And They Called It A Mine
Jett stopped her horse momentarily to scan the dusty map she had pilfered from Cynthia. It looked like Jake's handwriting in every sense of the word. The way he curved his S's and W's did little for his attempted anonymity, though at least he didn't sign his name to it. Still, she was a bit peeved that he was hoarding a trove of gold, or something... instead of sharing it with his employees. There were so many things about the saloon that needed upgrading or repairing: the broken piano keys, the missing lights on the chandelier, and the piss-poor pay for all the employees. Maybe he was planning on selling the entire outfit and moving to Dodge City and giving them two days notice. Who knew? Silence and suspicion seemed to always conspire against her.
She started up again and headed for the giant X logo on the map, only half-certain it even existed. Maybe Cynthia was just whistlin' dixie and this entire ordeal was nothing but wishful thinking. Perhaps she had simply lied and had actually found the map in a well. She had been told once that treasure hunters in Egypt often were disappointed that they had spent their life savings pursuing long forgotten tombs only to find out that thieving grave robbers had beaten them to the punch centuries earlier. What a terrible life it
was to be a gold prospector, or any kind of prospector for that matter. She squinted from the shade of her hat while she rode towards the mountains and saw the camel hunchback shape that was identical to the one on the map. She rode faster.
Now it was becoming much clearer that she was on the right path. A grey, rock strewn cave revealed itself like an Egyptian tomb in broad daylight. She thought that if anyone wanted to stash something valuable inside, it would be tantamount to putting up a sign that said "Hidden Treasure Herein". It seemed like such a galactically obvious place to store valuables. She stopped dead in her tracks at something she had overlooked. In her haste to be the first to get at whatever lay inside the cave, she overlooked the old geezer sitting in a rocking chair just outside the entrance with a rather sinister-looking shotgun lying across his lap. He was surprisingly well camouflaged against the grey backdrop of the canyon. He wore a gray outfit with gray suspenders, gray hat, gray pipe and gray boots. Only his mustache broke the monotony of his appearance with streaks of black hair jetting down to his chest. He looked rather wizardly as she approached him.
"You ain't goin in there" he said, his words muffled slightly by his beard.
"...and why can't I?" Jett inquired.
"that's cuz I been look out fer the place!" he said smarmily while taking a swig from his whiskey bottle.
"This "payment" wouldn't happen to have been given by someone named Jake would it?" she asked.
"Maybe, maybe not."
"You should be careful with that shotgun. That in conjunction with whiskey can make for a lethal combination" she quipped.
He looked up from staring at her breasts and said, "I'm as careful with this here if I was naked and a climbin' through barbed wire girlfriend. And I reckon you is probably kin to Jake somehow, but is tryin to get something you ain't permitted to see, am I right? It don't take a man of great smarts to see a goat in a herd of sheep" he said flashing her a toothy grin.