Cowgirl Erotica Collection Read online

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  Chapter 2: Needle in a Haystack

  Maya awoke from her sleep to a slightly moist pillow. It was unbearably humid in her room which seemed as cool as an underground cave just several hours before. She couldn't fathom why Marc's obsessive cookie-baking project had to have such dire side effects. Great smell, great taste, lousy for her supple skin. She bounced up from the bed wiping away the sweat and slipped into her tight jeans with the loosest shirt she had. She opened her bedroom door and like the day before, the smell of cookies assailed her nostrils. This time however they were some concocted mixture of cinnamon and honey that flowed just beneath. She walked outside and towards the barn where the stable horses were kept, trying to remember her list of things Eric had told her to do.

  Two spotty horses gawked at her strangely and gulped the air with their runny nostrils, trying in vain to capture any wispy scent from her. On the opposite side of them stood Luke who, without a shirt, looked Herculean, with bits of straw clinging to his hairless back. Maya tiptoed closer and watched him jam his pitchfork into the hay and fling it across the barn like a train engineer shoveling coal into the fire. She stared down at his gorgeous ass, not wanting to interrupt the sweaty rhythm which was mesmerizing to her. She stood motionless, watching the muscles in his back ripple and coalesce down his spine. He could have easily been the top contender for the test of strength at the county fair, or any other fair for that matter. Everything about his glistening skin waxed perfection to her, right down to his toes. She felt herself get moist the longer she looked at him, but still resisted the urge to say anything while his back was turned to her.

  "What an absolutely fine ass he has. I bet it tastes like..." she started to think.

  A horsefly landed on the side of his chin and daggered his skin before flying off.

  "Shit!" he muttered as he swatted it away. He took out a small hand-sized mirror from his back pocket and held it up to his face, still faced away from Maya. A moment later he spied her spying him through the reflection and turned around, rubbing the back of his neck.

  "Whoa, how long have you been standin there? he said trying to sound funny and not doing a very good job of it. It was clear to Maya he was just a hair intimidated by her subtle presence.

  "Sorry, I was just trying to think of a perfect way to say hi. I'm really lousy at introductions." she said.

  "Well we already been introduced, so no need for any more of em, huh?" he said as he rubbed the sore spot where the horsefly had stabbed him.

  "Damn these things, they are the most ungodly vermin. Just big enough to take a chunk out of your skin and yet fast enough to hit and run." he continued.

  Maya laughed and walked over to him.

  "Hit and run...that's a nice visual image. Let me take a look at that bite." she said as she moved closer to him. She reached up to his face and took him in her hands as she inspected his chin.

  "Doesn't look quite as bad as I thought." she murmured. She took out a clean handkerchief from her pocket and licked it, then dabbed a bit on the spot. She reached down with her other hand and rested it on his jeaned leg.

  "I didn't think it was that bad but, maybe you should look closer" he suggested.

  Her breath smelled lustful, he thought. She followed the gaze of his eyes that started from her legs and traveled up to her breasts. Maya leaned in and kissed the spot where the fly had landed. A loud thumping could be heard though she wasn't sure if it was his heartbeat or the horse in the stall. She glanced down and noticed his rock-hard erection that pushed at his tight jeans.

  She leaned in and whispered, "You just tell me when you want me to stop".

  "Stop what...we haven't done a thing" he added. "And anyway it ain't like I am thirteen you know". She lifted her hand to his side burn and brushed her fingers through it.

  "You're right...we haven't done anything...yet. But I bet you were the finest thirteen year old in your class" she said as she squeezed his leg. He sat paralyzed against the stack of hay as she continued her caressing seduction.

  "I think you should definitely have that wound attended to. Didn't anyone ever teach you to mend your wounds?" she said, bouncing her eyes between his sore spot and his rock hard cock that ached to get escape his jeans.

  "I think you're right ma'am. Don't want any uh, medical complications now do we" he said as she reached down and grabbed his crotch, feeling her hand up and down.

  A pulse of sexual friction traveled up both his legs.

  "Here, your friend needs some air. Don't want to suffocate him do we?" Maya stated.

  He leaned in and kissed her forcefully, savoring the faint scent of cinnamon residue that

  emanated from her neck.

  "You smell like cinnamon cookies..." Luke mumbled. Maya raised her finger to his lips.

  "Shhhh..." she said as she unzipped his jeans. His cock popped out like a wine cork.

  She immediately reached in and cupped her hand around his balls and sucked on the tip of his cock, then wiggled his jeans down to his ankles. She gave him a devilish look with both eyes locked onto his and then forced his cock into her mouth and down her throat, spitting up saliva onto him while he looked down at her. She made eye contact with him again as she sucked away, then paused to spit up more of her saliva. It grew him ever rock harder as the head of his cock swelled under her hot breath. Round and round her tongue went against the head of his cock, her eyes never leaving his as she reached into her pants and started massaging her sopping pussy. She fingered her erect clit as furiously as she sucked him, letting out a gentle moan that hummed along the crest of his cock.

  Luke let out an audible gasp for breath as she furiously deep throated his cock into her like a woman just free from a ten year prison sentence. She then took the hand she had stuck into her pussy and reached around to feel up his ass. She pushed the tip of her moist finger into to probe him while she continued throbbing her head around in frenzied motion. She then looked up into his eyes as his cock curved into her slushy cheek. She giggled as she looked up at him.

  She stuck her tongue out all the way against his dick, slapping the tip to her tongue in rogue fashion, then looked into his penetrating eyes.

  "Slap it against my face" she said, as her tongue swirled around his aching cock.

  He took his cock out and smacked her across the face with it, splashing precum that inked towards her eyes.

  Luke grabbed the back of her head and plowed into her throat, sticking down as deep as he could as she spurted up her spit around her lips. She made slurping noises in between gags of his hard and meaty thrusts. She lifted up her shirt, popping out her tanned perfect breasts and wiggled them side to side in between suck offs of his throbbing cock. Then she rubbed the nipples of her breast inside the hole of his cock and sucked for another furious minute and a half, looking up at him constantly.

  "Bend over and let me see that gorgeous ass" he ordered. Her eyes lit up and she frantically dropped her jeans and bent over, spreading her creamy ass cheeks. Her asshole winked up at him.

  "You can spread 'em wider than that!" he barked at her as he pushed his cock into her stretching asshole. She winced as he shoved his hard stiff dick into her ass, wiggling it onto him as he slid inside her. He thrust up and deep into her as she banged her back into his groin. His cock fell out of her ass and as he popped it back in, air escaped and made a popping sound as he plunged harder. He pulled out and sprayed his cum over her naked back as she stood on all fours, panting. She turned around and sucked out the last drop of cum from his machine of a cock before getting dressed. She kissed his blushing cheek and squeezed his ass before she waltzed away.

  She looked like a forest nymph leaving a glade of bashing lust and sensual orgies.

  Chapter 3: Bank Teller with a Fetish

  It was half-past noon when Maya's arms started to ripple with fatigue. Her entire clothes from head to toe were covered in bits of hay, but after the gushing fountain of pleasure she had just experienced, she'd be damned if she was going to c
omplain about hard work. She had forgotten how brutal the work was on a ranch out in the middle of nowhere. Good food and an occasional beer however were far more preferential to her than being jobless. And to boot, getting an ass full of Luke in the barn was an event most girls she knew only dreamed about. She had almost forgotten what it felt like to have a farmhand's meat thrusting inside her. She hadn't figured Luke as an ass man, but then one could never tell from outward appearances what inward lusts lurked within.

  She wiped the sweat from her brow and then felt Luke's hands wrap around her waist like a tightening leather belt. She twisted her head slowly around and deep frenched him while she reached around with her hands to squeeze his muscular ass. She had no idea if she had the strength for another round of sex play in the hay, but would never entertain the idea of saying no to much of anything he wanted.

  "Hey, I have to go into town to get some funds for the boss. Ya wanna come with me darlin'?" he asked as his hands ran over her breasts.

  "You know I think I just might. It is okay with the boss if I do right?" she asked.

  "Of course, then he can ask you if I spent any of his money at the saloon!" he said laughing.

  They walked over to the coach that embraced two horses. They climbed aboard and smiled at the yellow prairie of sun and merriment. Maya sat next to him and thought it exhilarating not to have her stomach growling at all hours of the day, to say nothing about having the most handsome ranch hand in the county, nay, the entire state, sitting right next to you. She felt like she had been blessed by a dozen goddesses as he interlocked his arm with hers.

  A half-hour later they pulled up next to the bustling bank and tied the horses up, then walked inside. Maya decided to keep her mouth shut as she knew there was an undertow of resentment of Cherokee girls in the area, for whatever unfathomable reason. As soon as they both stepped through the door, a hairy beast of a hand grappled her mouth and yanked her aside. A slime-covered gun jetted past her ear and pointed directly at Luke's frozen face.

  "Shut that fucking door and lock it, otherwise Miss Girlfriend here will have a row of nice clean holes from ear to ear!" a wicked-looking Mexican yelled.

  Luke did as instructed and took notice of the bandit's partner behind the counter that held a knife to the young teller's throat. The two of them grimaced in unison as the bank teller stuffed a bag full of fresh cash into a black bag and shoved it into the face of the bandit behind the counter. Luke meanwhile stared down the short barrel of the pistol, not making so much as an eye blink when a gun crackled out like thunder. Luke staggered back from shock, then looked down at his shirt which was as cleanly pressed and spotless since the minute he put it on in the early morning hour. The bandit holding the gun to Luke fell back into a potted plant that keeled dirt onto his face as he slumped to the wooden floor. Maya stood alone, shaking, with a smoking Derringer barely big enough to fit a girl's finger into it. A second later, she focused the gun toward the second bandit and fired again, hitting the second bandit straight to the forehead. He stood motionless as a trickle of blood flowed down the side of his nose before hurling to the ground. Maya dropped the small pistol and wrapped her arms around Luke. Luke embraced her warmly, wondering how the hell she had beaten him to the punch in gaining hero status. A minute later, two deputies rumbled down the boardwalk toward the bank.

  The bank manager came out from a hidden room in the back and shook her hand while a deputy unfolded a piece of paper and held it up to the dead Mexican's face.

  "Yeah, that's him. We've been on this asshat's trail for eons now. Hadn't known he had a partner though. Thought he was working alone." he said to Maya.

  Am I going to jail over this?" Maya asked with paranoid eyes.

  "Jail?? What the hell for? You just saved that bank teller's life, and probably your friend here as well, including yourself. We don't punish people for doing good deeds" he said as he handed the ridiculously small pistol back to Maya.

  She looked down at the Mexican with the bullet hole through his chest, amazed that such a small firearm could level one of the meanest men alive to the ground.

  Luke walked back to her from the teller with a few bills in his hand for his boss.

  "Don't worry about that guy. If you hadn't have shot him, someone else would have. You probably saved a lot more lives than what you see in the bank right now" Luke said.

  "If I'm not in any trouble, then let's go!" she whispered to him.

  Luke shook the deputy's hand and said he'd be back later to talk to the sheriff

  They rode back to the ranch discussing every detail under the hot sun. Maya told him of her sorted past as a former gang member and why she was such a master of small arms, why she was dead-set on going straight, and why she had such a ludicrously high sex drive. Luke didn't care about her sorted past. All he cared about was what happened in the here and now. They arrived at the ranch and dismounted. She walked to her room exasperated by the day's events, wondering how her employer would feel about her killing someone, never mind the fact that he didn't seem particularly human. She wished she could make wild love to Luke again, but knew he had a schedule to keep and he seemed spent for the day. She threw herself onto her mundane bed and looked up at the speckled ceiling.

  A rap on the door got her up on her feet again. She opened the door and saw the teller woman from the bank staring back at her.

  "Maya, right? Sorry to burst in on you. I was trying to catch up with you but your horses outran my own!" she laughed.

  "I just wanted to thank you for saving my life back there. I know you probably just want to put it all behind you right? But then it would have been awkward thanking you the next time I saw you which could be who knows how long" she added.

  "What's your name dear?" Maya asked, opening the door and motioning her to sit down on the bed.

  "Michelle. I was shaking like a maple tree in the wind when that nasty thing of a man had his knife up to my throat. Thought I was a goner for sure" Michelle replied.

  Maya sat next to Michelle and put her arm around her shoulder and leaned against her.

  "You just don't know how appreciative I am of what you did for me today." Michelle continued.

  Maya took a deep breath of the air that surrounded Michelle. She smelled like a briefcase full of money, and had a smile only big bills could buy, with curly blond hair that spiraled down to her breasts. To top things off, she reminded her of a picture she once saw in a rhyme book: Little Miss Muffet. An awkward few seconds passed as Maya looked her over like a cougar stalking a lamb.

  "Slow down girl! Get a fucking hold of yourself!" Maya thought. She couldn't shake the feeling that something sinister was about to happen.

  "Well..." Maya started, trying to get her mind off the girl's perky tits.

  "The first thing I thought was that I had to save you as well as myself. I wasn't gonna let them take the money and our lives. That's just rude." Maya said as she looked into Michelle's eyes.

  Michelle chuckled at the sound of it.

  "Mind if I ask you something Michelle?" Maya asked.

  "No go right ahead. Anything" she responded.

  "How old are you?"

  "I'm 18, going on 21" she said with a smile of innocence. She looked sparkling to Maya, with her hands still shaking from the entire ordeal.

  "I know this might sound cliché, but is there some way I can pay you back? Something you want that I might have? I just feel like I owe you a lot for your bravery" she asked Maya.

  Maya tightened her grip in Michelle's hand and thought for a minute.

  "Make a decision. Either say no thanks, or give this gorgeous hussy a run for her money!" a voice inside Maya chirped.

  " don't have to pay me back for that. I would do it again if I had to. But, since you asked...there is a little something I'm curious about" Maya added.

  "That a girl! Look at those perfectly sculpted breasts! Hand-crafted by a sex goddess!" the voice inside Maya whispered again.

Michelle said as she returned the squeeze in Maya's palm.

  "You promise not to tell anyone?" Maya said as she looked into her eyes.

  "Promise!" Michelle answered.

  "Lay back on the bed." Maya ordered.

  Michelle looked back at the bed, then at Maya.

  Michelle draped her body across the bed with her hands extended over the sides and stared back at Maya. Her dress flowered the tops of her shoes.

  "I want to tie you up and a little something or other" she said with a hint of edginess.

  "Too late to turn back now. She's yours!" Maya's inner voice squealed like a little girl.

  "You tie me up? Like right here?" Michelle asked.

  "Of course right there! Silly girl." she answered forcefully.

  "Sounds...well, I have to say I'm a bit nervous about this. What are you going to do?" she said, her hands shaking slightly.

  "You'll find out" she said with a stern look.

  "How flexible are you anyway?" Maya asked.

  "Flexible? Very much so I guess. I took ballerina lessons for..." she started to say.

  "Fine, you'll do just nicely" Maya answered as she tied her small hands on either bedpost and then untied her shoes.

  "Wait...are you undressing me?"

  "No not at all. I'm going to chop you into little pieces and make hasenpfeffer out of you for my king in the underworld" Maya said, not looking up at her.

  She gave Maya an annoyed look and said, "Well golly gee for a minute there I thought it was something worrying."

  "You're not going to whip me, are you? Are you one of those girls into...?" Michelle started to ask.

  "No and no. Not unless I decide otherwise" Maya said coyly.

  She reached over and with one hand and placed her finger on Michelle's lips.

  "Not another word from you unless I say so. Shhh!"

  "I just hope you were not kidding me when you said you were flexible" Maya said as she grabbed both of Michelle's ankles and hoisted them over her body, then starting tying them next to her wrists on the same bedpost, giving her a spread eagle look.